Tanned, umbrella holding bodies, as clouds make love to the sun,
Look up at the sky, as rain and sweat become one.
Jump into the lake,
Discarding your clothes along with the worries, let the tension be a thing of the past.
Enjoy the glorious rainbow, for as long as it lasts!
The rains sweep off the dirt, the heat and the slime.
The winds whistle through your windows, the weather outside, sublime.
The sun suddenly shines through, the clouds make way for the gold,
Filter negativity out of yourself,
Inside each one of us, is a person beautiful, confident and bold.
Be ridiculously random, throw invisible skittles in the air!
Go for something you always wanted, but never did..
Join a dance class, maybe go cut your hair!
The weather influencing your mood,
The shining sun makes you smile.
Wet spells and cracks of thunder, make you yearn for yummy food.
Make pakoras and steaming hot chocolate,
Slurp it up while it's warm,
Read a book, or get pink highlights, do not always fade into the norm.
A plethora of colors adorn the sky,
The splendidly amazing rainbow shines,
Tanned, umbrella holding bodies, as clouds make love to the sun,
Look up at the sky, as rain and sweat become one.