I am not perfect. I never claim to be.
I am never fake. I am always me.
I know how I look, I know how I walk,
I know how sometimes I blurt out uncomfortable truths when I talk.
I know I am not always cheerful, sometimes I feel so sad,
I am not an angel, even I do stuff that's bad.
Sometimes I fail, I break down too,
Sometimes even I need you!
I am just human. I too, do fall,
Trying to climb over this huge wall.
I am confused, I don't know where I am going,
I am moody, don't know what I say,
I am a litter bitter, though I don't want to be this way.
I say things that are mean, I may come off as rude.
Some call me a drama queen, some say I am too prude.
Who are you to judge me? You don't know what I go through.
Yes,I may not be an orphan or something that bad,
But I have my problems too.
I am not perfect. But atleast I never claim to be!